A million things may conspire to keep you from your best day. Answering three simple questions first thing can help you start your day with greater focus.

In this episode, Leary and Armin update each other on their takeaways from the last episode’s Challenge Me to journal about the three questions to dream more strategically.
The episode’s Inspire Me quote is from Mark Twain:
“”You can’t depend on your eyes when your imagination is out of focus.”
Robin Aldana, Reinventure Me‘s Program Director joins the show to discuss with Leary and Armin the three questions we can ask ourselves to start our day with get greater focus:
- What’s the most important challenge or problem I need to lean into today? This is the priority task that I’m inclined to avoid when distractions are sure to come.
- Who needs my attention most today? This is the priority relationship that may go missed if I get overly consumed by my pursuits.
- What would invigorate me? This is the priority refreshment that I will do to renew my energy during the day.
The Challenge Me for this episode is to begin the next few days writing down your answers to these questions and noting what effect it has on increasing your focus and sense of accomplishment.
Resources mentioned or related to this podcast that may be helpful to you:
- “Delight yourself in the Lord and he will give you the desires of your heart.” Psalm 37:4
- Three questions to start your day, Leary Gates, blog post on this topic
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I know Armin from his ministry days. So when I found out he was doing a podcast development I immediately subscribed. This focus episode probably has been my favorite so far. I’ve chosen the word focus for my word of the year and this episode is a great addition to development tool belt. Anybody who cares about becoming a better version of themselves should immediately subscribe to this podcast! Keep up the good work guys.