Most of us get around to our dreams when we have time. That’s being opportunistic. But there’s a way to dream strategically and it starts with answering three simple questions.

In this episode, Leary and Armin discuss some of the half-truths we hear in many inspirational quotes and share this week’s Inspire Me quote from Colin Powell:
“A dream doesn’t become reality through magic; it takes sweat, determination and hard work.”
They also discuss three simple questions that help you be more strategic with your dream:
- How important is it? Strategically thinking about your dream means it’s important enough to prioritize and make regular time to pursue.
- How hard is it? Strategically thinking about your dream means you’re realistic about the challenges that will come your way and you know the size of your commitment is what it takes to stop you.
- Who cares? Strategically thinking about your dream involves living out the mission God has put in your heart, not other’s agendas for you.
The Challenge Me for this episode is to simply write down your answers to these questions, taking time to thoughtfully consider them with respect to your dream.
Resources mentioned or related to this podcast that may be helpful to you:
- Three questions to get strategic about your dream, Leary Gates, blog post on this topic
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I need to challenge the two of you back on this episode. As you noted with your Walt Disney anecdote, a dream is sometimes simply not meant to be, but that does not mean it was not worth pursuing. God knows what we will finish and what we will just begin. Our beginning a project that didn’t turn out to be worth continuing might have served important lessons in our own life, it might serve a particular purpose for someone else, and it may lay the groundwork for someone else to achieve that dream. In the bigger picture, it may never have been about us. Certainly ask the question first: Is it important? But if you find down the road that it wasn’t worth continuing – that the cost is too high or some other dream is calling — give yourself permission to quit that dream without kicking yourself for not evaluating first and realizing this wasn’t the right dream. Maybe you were only meant to begin. Maybe that portion of the dream you pursued was all God had in mind for you. Believing that we should only pursue dreams that we are willing to carry through to the end limits God. Believing that, we continue because we see quitting as failure. That type of thinking causes us to refuse to turn the corner when God is clearly marking the road and showing us the way. It causes to avoid “reinventuring.”
Hi Penny. We couldn’t agree with you more. God doesn’t always desire or decree we bring everything to completion. “I planted. Apollos watered, but God gave the growth,” the apostle Paul wrote. We’re never to be the end-all, do-all. That keeps us dependent on Him. Thanks for reminding us all of that.