092 Feeling unqualified may be a good thing (with guest Dr. Michelle Watson)

Are you feeling unqualified to do what God’s calling you to do? That may be a good thing. Dr. Michelle Watson shares why it was a good thing in her life in today’s episode.

Feeling unqualified may be a good thing (with guest Dr. Michelle Watson)

In June 2009, Dr. Michelle Watson felt prompted by God to give up several activities near and dear to her heart: writing a book, publishing research on eating disorders, speaking, and adjunct teaching. Just about everything she had been pursuing was put on hold.

That December, Dr. Watson read Luke 1:17, where Zachariah is told that his son would turn fathers’ hearts to their children. At that moment, the Lord said, “Michelle, that’s what I want you to do.” But Dr. Watson wasn’t a man or a father—was she really the right person for this assignment?

Dr. Watson emailed 11 fathers, inviting them to participate in an experiment: they would meet together monthly to see if they saw healing or growth in their relationships with their daughters. All but one agreed, and they ended up meeting for a year, in awe of the restored relationships they witnessed. The father who declined to participate was so moved by the results he heard about, he joined a second group Dr. Watson started. That was the birth of The Abba Project.

What can we learn from Dr. Watson’s journey?

  • God calls the unqualified. 
  • Create margin. It makes room for something better.
  • Make a list of crazy ideas. 
  • Remember: God wastes nothing. 
  • Act at the right time. Wait for God’s leading. Don’t overthink it.
  • Avoid comparison. Your venture is not the same as another’s.

Quotes from Dr. Michelle Watson and Leary:

  • “‘Aren’t you going to wait for God to confirm that?’ I said, ‘What are you talking about? He told me to give it up. Why wouldn’t I just do that?'” —Dr. Watson
  • “I heard God say, ‘I want to blow you away with the doors I open for you, not the doors you open for you.'” —Dr. Watson
  • “Pull back on the throttle. Enjoy the scenery because He’s always up to something.” —Dr. Watson
  • “If God builds it. They will come.” —Dr. Watson
  • “It’s easy to diminish your own value. One of the quickest ways to do that is to take inventory of everybody who’s doing something that you’re doing.” —Leary
  • “Make a list of all of your crazy ideas and say, ‘God birthed this in me. You will carry it to completion.’ Don’t fight with the Almighty. He’s got something up His sleeves…. The Father loves giving good gifts.” —Dr. Watson
  • “Nothing in your life is wasted. You might wonder why you’re doing things and why stuff has happened. But when you get down the road, things really start to bolt together.” —Leary

This week’s Challenge Me:

Take 10 minutes to think about and write down some of the crazy ideas that have been inside you. Consider what God has given you—skills, resources, education, passion, etc. How might these play a role in making those crazy ideas come to life? Is there anything God is asking you to give up, to be able to make room for something better?

Resources mentioned in or related to this podcast that may be helpful to you:

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3 thoughts on “092 Feeling unqualified may be a good thing (with guest Dr. Michelle Watson)

  1. My own father could have used this information when I was growing up. I yearned for a better relationship with my father while growing up, especially during my teen years. We couldn’t talk, we couldn’t touch. We were in different worlds. I am so thankful for Michelle; that there is a voice that speaks to fathers and guides them in their relationships with their daughters. Daughters need their fathers so desperately. As a society we have begun to learn the effects of an absent father. Dr. Watson speaks and teaches about the “absent father” in a girls life, the one who can’t seem to reach her, who can’t relate to her, the one who is uncomfortable with her, the one who is afraid to touch her. Way to go Michelle Watson! You rock!

    • Hi Tina…
      Thank you so much for taking the time to listen to the podcast and also to comment. I am sad to hear that you didn’t have a closer relationship to your dad growing up and yet your clarity with challenging fathers to dial in to their daughters now is credible because of your experience. I pray that fathers will read what you wrote here and choose to take action in pursuing their daughter’s hearts with intention and consistency rather than letting the years fly by without a connection. And just for the record: Hearing your well-stated, deep, and powerful insights says to me that it has been your dad’s loss not to know you better because you are the one who rocks! Hugs to you… :o)

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