109 How to make fear work in your favor

Do not fear fear. Put it to work instead. In this episode, we talk about how to make fear work in your favor.

How to make fear work in your favor

This week’s Inspire Me quote is from Ambrose Redmoon:

“Courage is not the absence of fear, but rather the judgment that something else is more important than fear.” 

In this episode, Leary and Armin discuss fear and how it impacts us and our ventures. They suggest four steps we can take to help us live courageously:

  1. Write down the fears that come to mind when you contemplate your project or venture. 
  2. Identify the reverse pointers for those fears.
  3. Consider what actions you can take now to support your goals.
  4. Think about how you can involve others.

Quotes from the show:

  • “Sometimes, courage is really just being willing to get up the next day and start over.” —Leary
  • “Fear is a natural response. And, yet, we can choose how we deal with it when it comes.” —Leary
  • “Fear is really a reverse pointer to something else—to something that’s greater.” —Leary
  • “Fear naturally drives us to self-protection…. Usually, fear is there to prevent something from happening. Often, it prevents action.” —Leary
  • “[Fear forces us to] either sacrifice doing our best work or doing our own work.” —Leary
  • “The key here is to get fear to work for you by understanding what it’s pointing to and understanding your higher purpose.” —Leary
  • “Our greatest regret is always what we [don’t] do.” —Armin
  • “Community sharpens our venture and the choices we make.” —Leary
  • “Community is one of the greatest tools anyone can have for just about anything.” —Armin
  • “It’s really difficult for a lot of people to do because you have to get vulnerable and the issue with vulnerability is the fear of rejection.” —Armin

This week’s Challenge Me:

What goal do you want to achieve? Write down the fears that you have around that goal and identify what you stand to lose or gain—those higher-order objectives the fears point to. Then, consider what next steps you can take to support that goal.

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2 thoughts on “109 How to make fear work in your favor

  1. Hi Armin & Leary,
    I just wanted to drop you a note to let you know that in the same way you were literally presented with a ‘sign’ to do this episode, your ‘sign’ was my ‘sign,’ to fight through my almost-paralyzing fear of going on-stage to do stand up comedy!! I had gone on stange 2x prior and my time was not stellar, but I knew that if I wanted to get the hang of something as raw and vulnerable as stand-up that I’d have to give it more than 2 tries. Before I listened to this episode I was kicking around doing an open mic again and was swaying toward a ‘no’, but then I listened and it could not have come at a more perfect time. I listened to the podcast, decided that my fears are telling me to actually do it and I performed 2 of my bits and both of them were VERY well received!!! It was such a rush to get laughs!! The fear is still lingers regarding future stand-up opportunities, but I think it is a healthy fear telling me that I need to pursue this further. Thanks for the episode. It was/is SUPER helpful!

    • That’s amazing Michelle! I’m absolutely thrilled to hear that. I’m encouraged, to say the least. I still want to throw up every time I go speak but it’s beyond worth it each time. Well done, Michelle! Thank you for sharing this amazing testimony with us.

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