033 The new job search strategies you need with guest Richard Yadon

If it’s been more than 5 years since you’ve conducted a job search—a lot has changed. We talk to recruiting expert Richard Yadon about the new search strategies you need to know.

The job search strategies you need with guest Richard Yadon

A lot has changed in the way corporations are finding candidates today. In just the past five years significant tools to find jobs and to screen candidates have emerged. Today’s applicants need to be smarter than ever to develop a strategy to land the right opportunity.

In this episode, Leary and Armin speak with guest Richard Yadon about the new job search strategies you need. Richard is President and CEO of the MMS Group, a talent acquisition firm serving the healthcare industry.

Richard offered a quote for the Inspire Me segment from, former pastor and CEO of Hard Lessons, Dick Wells:

“I have all eternity to do all the things I want to do, but only a few years to help others get there with me.”

Companies are hiring more people today than five years ago. So why is does it seem so difficult to land a new job? Richard points out two reasons for this: Companies are much more selective now than they had been in the past; and, they are looking for an immediate return of the investment of a new hire.

By the time you make it to the interview, Richard points out that most companies assume you’re competent. The primary hiring question is really about how you will bring value to the organization. The are looking for a good return on investment and want to see how you’ve demonstrated value creation in the past.

Knowing these things can help you prepare a more effective resume. Richard suggests that applicants:

  • Succinctly articulate how they will add value to the organization
  • Demonstrate how their achievements are relevant to the position they’re looking for
  • Tailor the key information on the top one third of the resume or cover letter

The biggest mistakes Richard sees that candidates make are:

  • Not having a search strategy and commitment. Approach the job search process much like a project manager.
  • Not targeting specific firms. Select specific companies to contact for employment and research them.
  • Sending resumes without making connections. Find specific people within that company to contact regarding the position you are pursuing.
  • Not utilizing social media and tools. Manage your online presence and brand while in a job search. See Episode 31 on using LinkedIn.
  • Not having an interviewing strategy. Failing to have a job search and interview plan is breeding ground for frustration.

For the first time in our nations history, four generations are employed in the workplace. Therefore it’s more important than ever that being good in the aspects of building relationships and technology are vitally important in the job market of today.

Richard offered our listeners an excellent Challenge Me: Write down your best, quantifiable career accomplishment. Use this as the first thing you talk about in your cover letters, your interviews, and your networking sessions. This is what company’s want to hear about.

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