121 How to do the next right thing (with guest Roger Thompson)

When you’re confused and confounded, and unsure what to do, just do the next right thing. Start by joining us for this episode. We talk with Roger Thompson, author of the new book, Do the Next Right Thing.

Do the next right thing

This week’s Inspire Me quote is from 2 Peter 1:3:

His divine power has given us everything we need for life and godliness.”

For 23 years, Roger Thompson led a dynamic, growing, and complex church in the Twin Cities. Six years ago, he felt prompted to do the next right thing and transition out of that role as Senior Pastor to write the book, Do the Next Right Thing: Eight Strong Handholds for Every Man. In this episode of Reinventure Me, Leary talks with Roger Thompson about what exactly it means to just do the next right thing.

Quotes from the show:

  • “Let’s determine what the next right thing is. Because if you do the next right thing, and then the next right thing…. It’s amazing to me how the horizon opens up.” —Roger Thompson
  • “Is there a phone call you need to make today that you could go and do? Well, then go do that. Is there a person you need to meet with? Is there something you need to do at the bank? Is there a confession you need to make to somebody that you’ve hurt? Is there a conflict that’s alive in your life that you need to move toward restoration? Well, let’s do the next right thing and see how God opens up opportunity. Let’s not try to fix the whole snarled ball of twine all at once. We don’t have the wisdom for that.” —Roger Thompson
  • “A lot of people get stuck because they feel like they need the whole road map.” —Leary
  • “If I do the next right thing according to God’s prompting, His Word, and wisdom, and then tomorrow I do the next right thing after that, and the next right thing after that, I think it’s another way of saying, this is how you walk in the Spirit of God.” —Roger Thompson
  • “If you know that you have everything that you need, then you can make the decision that you need to make.” —Leary
  • “I define endurance as doing something very, very hard. It takes a lot of endurance and energy, but you know where the finish line is. I define perseverance as something that demands just as much energy, but you don’t know where the finish line is.” —Roger Thompson
  • “The key thing there isn’t so much about outcomes; it’s more about attitude.” —Roger Thompson
  • “Perseverance is a biblical virtue. We so often feel defective if we feel like, ‘Hey, I’ve prayed and God hasn’t gotten me out of this, what’s wrong with me? He hasn’t sent me the answer, what’s wrong with me?'” —Roger Thompson
  • “Many of us are looking for a some kind of magic pill when God is saying, ‘I haven’t answered yet, but you still have an option, and that is to persevere. Wake up every morning and do your preparations, take care of the things you need to do. But remember I’m with you and have given you all the things you need.'” —Roger Thompson
  • “The issue is more what are you becoming in the crisis more than how you get out of it.” —Roger Thompson
  • “Just take a small step, leaning into the challenges that you have. Do what you can. Trust God for the rest and see where that takes you.” —Leary

This week’s Challenge Me:

Think about something that you have in your life that is complex—it might be your health, employment, spouse, son or daughter, or extended family member. Ask, ‘What’s the next right thing I can do in that context?’ Is there a phone call that can be made? An environment you can help set? A principle you can teach? Tough love you need to give?

Comments? Questions? Stories from your own life? Share them with us in the comments below.

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