Every great new beginning can benefit from effective networking. You can network like a pro, even if “networking is not your thing.”

In this episode, Leary and Armin talk about why networking is such a powerful resource no matter what industry you are in. Like anything, to be effective, you must adopt the right mindset. And the right mindset is to believe that every appointment you have may be a divine appointment.
The Inspire Me segment quote is from the legendary author and theologian C.S. Lewis:
“We meet no ordinary people in our lives”
Leary and Armin discuss the mindset you need to network effectively. To network effectively, approach your network to “feed it,” not just to eat from it. Even if you waited until you’re thirsty to dig your well, you still need to give to your network. When you do, you’ll stand out from the pack who seeks only to get something from it. It’s why networking has such a bad reputation.
You don’t need to be an extrovert to network effectively. In fact, the introvert may have a listening advantage over their more extroverted counterparts, making them particularly effective in cultivating a network.
In the Challenge Me segment, Armin suggests that the best way to be in a position to help others is to know yourself. Take stock of your strengths, through an assessment tool like StrengthFinders.
Resources mentioned or related to this podcast that may be helpful to you:
- StrengthFinder 2.0, Strength-based assessment from Gallop
- LinkedIn, The must-be-on social network for professional connections
- Contactually, An incredible contact management system that integrates your personal contact book, social connections and email.
- Are you networking like a dog?, Leary Gates, blog post related to this topic
- Three of the hardest networking habits you’ll ever love, Leary Gates, blog post related to this topic
Our next episode will be on how to handle rejection. Please join us.
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Wonderful work talking through networking and doing so with purpose! Many professionals I come across consider networking just handing a bunch of business cards out and then I notice their frustration as they have not developed a deeper connection or relationship. Out with business cards and in with true connections!
Thanks Sam. Out with business cards is right! Now we have them stored on our smart phones anyway. 😉